Are you wondering how to clean your kitchen spray nozzle? We have the easiest way to clean your kitchen sink sprayer faucet head and keep it clean.
How to clean your Kitchen Spray Nozzle 
Does your Kitchen spray nozzle look like ours did? I hate to say it but our kitchen nozzle was gooey and grimy when I went to clean it this week.
I am not sure why all of a sudden there is a build-up but I was not excited to use it. I like to use the spray nozzle to make my tea and looking at the nozzle head did not excite me or make me want tea.
So I decided to scrub it and see if I could get it sparkling clean.
I soaked the nozzle in a mixture of vinegar and water overnight on the counter. I took it out a couple of times and wiped it down and sprayed it.
I really wanted to get all of the gunk out I possibly could. I also used toothpicks to scrape along the nozzle area.
After soaking the nozzle came out looking great! I am so happy with how clean it is now. I love cleaning with vinegar!
I now soak the kitchen sink sprayer at least quarterly to keep it clean sometimes monthly if I remember. It is one of those areas in the kitchen that seems to get missed during daily/weekly cleanings. I like knowing that I have all the gunk out and it is spraying great.
Kitchen Cleaning Tips
How to clean pet stains from carpets
This post was originally shared on September 25, 2012, updated on March 7, 2020
pandora's box
I'll be doing this tonight...mine just started squirting all different ways!! Thx for the tip